Sustaining Enthusiasm
I've been reading Marie Kondo's book "The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up". I'm enjoying it and she clearly knows her subject matter. But she's a LOT more passionate about it than I am. For her, cleaning and clearing are a way of life. She makes her living by helping people do this.
Part of my problem is that I get really excited and accomplish a lot, then I get distracted and derailed. Last week, I wrote that I got rid of two boxes of books. This was huge for me. Unfortunately, at this point, "got rid of" seems inappropriate. Yes, I pulled them out of the bookcase and boxed them up. But they're still sitting there. To my credit, I haven't pulled any books out and re-shelved them but they haven't left my house either.
I work hard. I clean. I clear. Then...I dunno. I procrastinate. I decide I want to read. I watch a movie. I'm tired after work or whatever. Lots of advice about clutter suggests that you should do a little bit at a time so you don't get overwhelmed. Kondo suggests the opposite. She says you need to do it all at once (although she does admit that if you tackle your whole house, all at once may take about six months.) She says that "all at once" lets you keep your momentum going. You see positive results and you want to keep going.
It seems like a reasonable idea, so why do I get derailed so easily? Do I have cleaning ADD? Do I really dislike the whole process? Am I just really busy? It's probably a combination of the three but how do I find the motivation to do more or at least do more consistently?
Some people loathe clutter and that's their motivation. Some people live in terror that other people will see (and judge) their messy house and that's their motivation. Those don't work for me. My enthusiasm tends to wax and wane.
I'm going to throw it out their publicly and say that by the next blog post (which I've begun to write regularly again, dear reader) I will have banished those boxes and done some additional clearing. Feel free to hold me accountable my friends.
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