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To-Do List

 I'm a list maker from way back.  At one point, I even started saving old to do lists and I was going to put them all in a book.  It was interesting to me to look back and see what I considered important at various stages of my life.  I'm not sure it would have been interesting to other people though and it's one more project I started then subsequently put on hold (perhaps permanently). Regardless, I know that some people do better with lists in their head.  I know that some people get totally overwhelmed and stressed when they look at all the things they have to do.  We all process information in different ways.  Knowing how you process information and how you function best is huge.  This knowledge is a gift if you have it. You do you and process information in any way you'd like. For me, writing things down helps them stick in my distractible brain.  I was feeling overwhelmed and anxious this morning.  This happens a lot lately.  More than I'd like, frankly but I

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