Here's a Box From the Bathroom
The problem here as I see it is three-fold. 1) I have a pretty small bathroom (actually, I have two pretty small bathrooms but there's an issue with the shower in the upstairs bathroom, so nobody does much up there.) 2) I'm kind of a product junkie. I read about new products in magazines. I get excited. If it promises shinier hair or smoother skin or easier exfoliating I'm in. They don't always work as promised, of course but I like to try them out. Some people are sucked in by the displays at the checkout. I'm prone to impulse buys in the health and beauty aisle. 3)Because I'm prone to disorganization, I sometimes buy something I already have. As in "Do we have man soap? I dunno, better get some more, I guess." Half the time there are already three half full bottles at home. (Man soap is a term my children coined. My 14-year-old says "I don't want to smell like springtime meadows, mom. I want to smell like rusty tools. Now there's a manly smell." Whatever.
So here is a box from the bathroom. Surprisingly it contains (mostly) stuff that could live in the bathroom (although there are a couple of exceptions.)
(2) old "to-do" lists. One, I recognize as being from last month sometime. The other one is older. On the older one, halfway down, I've cryptically written "1/2" in large numbers. I have no idea what this means.
(1) bar of patchouli-scented soap
(1) original nasal spray (as opposed to new and innovative nasal spray?)
(2) completely un-spooled spools of ribbon. (1) white, (1) blue
(2) Cherry Ice scented foot lotion tubes. I found a third one of these last week in another box. I'm perplexed. Why did I buy these? I really dislike cherry.
(1) tub of Noxema. I'm stumped by this one too. Noxema makes me break out.
(4) pennies
(4) nickels
(2) dimes - Hooray! money is always a good thing although it doesn't necessarily belong in the bathroom.
(1) truly horrible crystal beaded necklace. I think I intended to take it apart and re-purpose the beads but since I do very little jewelry making in the bathroom, it needs to be relocated.
(1) lip gloss tube that looks like it went to the beach and rolled around in the sand
(1) really old eyeliner
(1) body lotion
(1) Burt's Bees hand salve (whatever that is)
(1) bar of Dove unscented soap.
Okay, I'm happy to report that the sandy lip gloss, old "to-do" lists, out of control ribbon and really old eyeliner all got tossed. The cherry foot lotion, hand salve and some other things I'm not going to use went into a box for a friend of mine who's struggling with money at the moment. Since I was struggling with money myself until just a few days ago, maybe I can help her out. Plus, then I don't feel I've thrown out things which were "perfectly good". This is an issue for me. Trying to make sure I never wind up on that show "Hoarders".
So here is a box from the bathroom. Surprisingly it contains (mostly) stuff that could live in the bathroom (although there are a couple of exceptions.)
(2) old "to-do" lists. One, I recognize as being from last month sometime. The other one is older. On the older one, halfway down, I've cryptically written "1/2" in large numbers. I have no idea what this means.
(1) bar of patchouli-scented soap
(1) original nasal spray (as opposed to new and innovative nasal spray?)
(2) completely un-spooled spools of ribbon. (1) white, (1) blue
(2) Cherry Ice scented foot lotion tubes. I found a third one of these last week in another box. I'm perplexed. Why did I buy these? I really dislike cherry.
(1) tub of Noxema. I'm stumped by this one too. Noxema makes me break out.
(4) pennies
(4) nickels
(2) dimes - Hooray! money is always a good thing although it doesn't necessarily belong in the bathroom.
(1) truly horrible crystal beaded necklace. I think I intended to take it apart and re-purpose the beads but since I do very little jewelry making in the bathroom, it needs to be relocated.
(1) lip gloss tube that looks like it went to the beach and rolled around in the sand
(1) really old eyeliner
(1) body lotion
(1) Burt's Bees hand salve (whatever that is)
(1) bar of Dove unscented soap.
Okay, I'm happy to report that the sandy lip gloss, old "to-do" lists, out of control ribbon and really old eyeliner all got tossed. The cherry foot lotion, hand salve and some other things I'm not going to use went into a box for a friend of mine who's struggling with money at the moment. Since I was struggling with money myself until just a few days ago, maybe I can help her out. Plus, then I don't feel I've thrown out things which were "perfectly good". This is an issue for me. Trying to make sure I never wind up on that show "Hoarders".
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