Stop Self-Sabotaging Already

 I've always been sort of messy and disorganized.  This blog actually came into being as a way of trying to write myself into better habits.  I've told the "I'm messy and disorganized" story to myself and other people so often, for so long, that's it's worn a groove into my brain. It has come to feel like an essential part of my identity.  But...what it it's just that?  What if it's just  a story I tell myself?

Call me weird but I like to challenge my assumptions every so often.  Unlike a lot of people, I particularly like to look at the assumptions I hold about myself.  After all, how does one level up and grow if everything always stays the same?  I think we are lucky people indeed if we are able to call ourselves out on our own BS.

I've certainly had this thought before and maybe even blogged about it. (Apologies if I repeat myself.  Sometimes I need to write/learn/process things multiple times before I truly get it!)  I was looking for something I needed this this morning.  Again.  Sheesh.  How much time do I spend looking for things?  Time spent looking for things could be time spent building my business, blogging, reading or doing any number of other things that I actually want to do.

I don't know about you my friends, but for me, disorganization and clutter is definitely a form of self sabotage.  I've been doing it unconsciously for years.  I'm beginning to explore the whys of this and perhaps that may be a post for another time.  For now, it's enough to know that I am behaving in this way.  This morning, I very clearly heard my higher self say, "Disorganization is a form of self sabotage, so knock it the f&*k off."  (My higher self needs to get all up in my face sometimes.  I don't always listen effectively!)

I've been reading a lot about habits lately.  I understand that this disorganization is just a habit.  It may not be an easy habit to break.  I've been disorganized for as long as I remember.  Then I repeatedly say, "I'm messy.  It's just how it is."  This reinforces the habit.  It gives me a pass.  I'm disorganized but oh well.  I can't do anything about it.  So step one, is to stop telling myself this story.  I truly believe that we have the power to create our lives and ourselves.  External circumstances happen but we are always able to hit the reset button on our attitudes.  

What are the stories you tell yourself about how things are?  Have you integrated them into your identity?  Did you realize that they are changeable?  This week, I challenge you to look at one things you believe to be true about yourself.  If it is true and it's benefiting you, then by all means hang onto it.  But maybe, like my disorganization, it's just a story you tell yourself.  Maybe it's no longer serving you.  What if you could let it go, flip the script, and behave in a way that isn't holding you back?


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