So, it's been almost a year since I last posted on Forces of Chaos. Sorry, friends. My husband of 28 years has frontal temporal dementia and I've been living in dementia land, doing caregiver things. By the way, Dementia Land is a terrible theme park. Don't go. Zero stars. Would not recommend.
Of course, me being me and all things being equal, I'm still also working at multiple jobs, managing a Poshmark business, writing books, making art etc. I'm not trying to say "hey, look at me, I'm amazing." If anything, I try to do too much and often fail at self care. I'm not necessarily promoting the busyness, just calling it like I see it.
Anyway, I've been thinking a lot about resilience lately. I've been fascinated with the topic for years and I feel like maybe, I could do some resilience coaching. I earned a coaching certification years ago and have done next to nothing with it. I've been thinking of creating some content, maybe starting an entirely new blog. But this morning, somewhere around 3:34am (because I don't sleep much anymore unfortunately) I thought "What if I just kept Forces of Chaos and transitioned toward writing about resilience?"
Ostensibly, Forces of Chaos began as a way of chronicling my issues with clutter. But realistically, I've been writing about resilience all along. Looking head on at your issues and trying to sort them out and deal with them, is actually a pretty resilient thing to do. I had been thinking of writing a series of post about resilience specifically but I was struggling to get started. But maybe I was trying to reinvent the wheel. Why not stick with what I know how to do? I know how to write about personal anecdotes with humor.
I suspect I was struggling with writing about resilience because I was trying to tackle the project from a detached perspective. I can write that way. I was an English major after all. One semester I actually wrote almost 30 papers! Detached might be okay if you're writing about Alexander Pope or Chaucer but if I'm going to talk about a subject near and dear to my heart, I need to be all in. I've always been a heart on my sleeve kind of girl anyway. Why try to approach it in a way that doesn't work for me?
So, Forces of Chaos is back. Sorry to fall off the edge of the world for a while dear readers. Let's look at resilience together. Are you born with it? Can you learn it? What does it even look like? I love your feedback. Tell me about resilience. Ask me about resilience. I'll share with you what I've managed to learn. Let's do this thing.
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