That Socks!
Friends, I'm not even sure I can mount a defense for myself on this one. I'm not even sure I should be allowed to try, although I will say that not every single thing in this pile was socks. There was a dishtowel, a hand towel, a pillowcase and two knit winter hats as well. Also, there were a few socks which belonged to assorted children (not more than 9 or 10 though - socks, not children). The picture doesn't even do the pile justice. It was about a foot tall and a couple of feet wide. And I somehow added to it after I snapped the picture.
This pile isn't even the worst of it. This is only the pile of unsorted, unmatched socks. This is only the pile of my unsorted, unmatched socks (minus the handful that belonged to the boys). There is another whole drawer and a half of sorted and matched socks. Why do I have this many socks? This is just socks. I have not even begun to inventory clothes, shoes or jewelry.
If Spyder the cat could talk, you know he would ask, "Really, human? What is WRONG with you? Who needs this many gosh darn socks?!?!" (As an unrelated aside, I feel compelled to tell you that I didn't name him Spyder. I adopted him when he was ten and I didn't think it was fair to change his name after a decade. Regardless of his name however, he still probably believe that I have too many socks.)
I've mentioned socks in this blog before but socks are just symptomatic of a bigger problem. But seriously, how is it even possible that I can enter a store and think "Wow! I could really use some new socks!" Why do I feel a need for something I clearly already have way too many of?
I'm trying to figure this all out, my friends. Some days I have better insights than others. But I can tell you this, please, please if we ever go out shopping together, don't allow me to buy any socks!
I have a ton of socks. Every time I bring home e more hubby just shakes his head and says "Why?" Reasons can range from because they are pretty to because they make me happy. Lol 😆