Oh Yeah, Universe, I Am TOTALLY Serious

I'm reading a book by Jen Sincero called "You Are a Badass".  She writes all about being your authentic self and living a life you love and silencing your inner critic, which is all stuff I'm passionate about.  But she wrote something that resonated with e in a way I hadn't thought of before.  She talks about "upgrading your environment."  She talks about painting or cleaning or de-cluttering and writes "not only will this help to keep your frequency high, but it will alert The Universe that you're not screwing around, that you're doing everything you can and are waiting for further instruction on the how."  

I love this and I'm finding it more motivational than a lot of the other cleaning and de-cluttering inspiration I've read.  It never really works for me to have a clean house for the sake of having a clean house.  I just don't feel all that guilty when it isn't clean.  Meh.  Whatever.  But using cleaning as a way to attract positivity totally works for me.

Now, I've done some great stuff with a messy house.  I've written two books, become a yoga teacher, finished college.  But imagine the stuff I could do with a neater home.  I'm going to speculate that the bigger the change, the better your outcome is here.  So people who already have clean homes might not see so much result but it might be a bigger deal for me. (Just a thought).

I totally have things I'm looking to accomplish including a couple of classes and a research trip for my next book, and writing that book. And blogging. And coaching and teaching and a book of poetry and a memoir and probably a lot of stuff I haven't even thought of yet. My "bucket list" goes on for pages and pages.

Even if you believe that all of the Law of Attraction stuff is hooey or hokum or just something you can't process at this point in your life, there's a certain practical appeal to this concept anyway.  If you come home every day and your mess is such that it is demotivating or demoralizing, you probably aren't going to accomplish many of the things you want to do.  I tune out clutter pretty well (which is part of my problem) but even I have to admit, it can be a distraction.

I have been working on the dining room today where random boxes of stuff have languish for months.  I have plans to make my deck a livable space this summer. (Right now, it''s a place where soda cans wait for someone to be broke enough to want to return them for gas money, where weeds run rampant and old flowerpots go to die.). I still hope to have people over without embarrassment.  I have plans, darn it!

My 17-year-old likes to give me a hard time.  He said "I've had enough of your positive energy shenanigans.  Stop trying to change things for the better.  Quit trying to inspire people.  Knock it off."  Secretly, he's impressed.  He just hates to admit it.  And as far is The Universe is concerned, Oh yeah, I am TOTALLY serious.


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