Why Am I So Stuck?
If you've been reading this blog, you'll know that a recent post was about mornings and my utilizing those mornings poorly. If you're interested, I'm managing them better, thanks. But this is a blog about letting go of things which no longer serve me and I'm finding out that there are perhaps more of them than I thought. Comparatively speaking, my issue with the mornings was easy to fix. Today's blog addresses a place where I'm stuck and I don't know how to get unstuck. My hope is that blogging will help with resolution or perhaps you dear reader might have some ideas. I welcome them!
In addition to blogging, I'm also a novelist. I loved writing my first novel. I loved the editing process and doing book talks at local libraries. I also loved writing the second novel. I didn't have writer's block. Now, though, I have a serious case of editor's block (Google it. It's a thing.). I finished the first draft at the end of November. I told myself that I needed to put it aside for a little while. I needed to give it some space so I could really give it my best effort.
My timeline for edits was the beginning of January. It is now the beginning (to middle) of February. My wonderful artist friend Cliff has already created front and back covers for me. He's way more on schedule than I am.
I've picked up my novel a few times. I'm about fifteen or twenty pages in but I can't seem to get really rolling on it. I do a few paragraphs then get distracted. I do laundry. Attempt housework. Waste time on the internet. I feel tired after work. I feel lazy on the weekends. Blah, blah, blah.
It's all excuses. I know this. We make time for the things which really matter to us. So why is my novel taking a backseat to almost any other activity? I've done this before, so it's not a fear of the unknown. I think it's a good story, so what it my issue?
My friend Annmarie thinks I'm not finding any joy in the editing process and she's right. But why? I don't know. I just know that my failure to commit to the editing process and move forward with my novel is no longer serving me!
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