The Ongoing Saga of the Upstairs Bathroom

    For along time, the shower in the upstairs bathroom has leaked.  Being basically broke for what seemed like forever, having few handyman skills ourselves and having a perfectly usable shower/tub, downstairs made it seem like ignoring the problem was probably our best bet.  In the meantime, as with every other area of our house, we've managed to stack random homeless stuff in that bathroom.

    Now, I've gotten it stuck in my head, that we need to make this bathroom fully functional again.  If the pipes under the shower are leaking, there won't be much I personally can do about it.  But, if my theories are correct (and occasionally, they are) then it's actually the shower enclosure itself that's leaking.  I'm armed with an "As Seen On TV" sealant in an aerosol can and ready to give it a shot.  However, there's not much point in having a functional shower you can't get to.  So this weeks Forces of Chaos is all about a box from that bathroom.  It's a big box.  I didn't finish it.  We'll be revisiting it again in the coming weeks.  But, pulled from the box today were:

(1) Leo Sayer - Singer/Songwriter CD - bought used and never opened. (I wonder why?)
(1) user guide for an address label software which was probably installed three computers ago
(3) baseball hats - (2) ugly and belonging to my husband and (1) not so bad, belonging to my son.

  A word here about other people's stuff...I don't throw it out.  I know I'd HATE it, if they threw my stuff out.  Besides, living with a family is hard enough without creating un-nesesscary drama.  Neat freaks, I've known, really struggle with this whole leaving other people's stuff alone thing.  Fortunately for my family, no one has ever, nor will ever refer to me as a neat freak.

(1) Spongebob Squarepants Gamecube game.  We don't have a Gamecube anymore.
(1) 3lb weight
(1) stuffed Mr. Peabody (as in Mr. Peabody and His Boy Sherman) keychain
(1) book - The Portable Do-It.  This is filled with inspirational quotes and being moved to my yoga bag as I try to begin each class with...drum roll, inspirational quote!
(1/2) pad sticky notes
(1) bag of "Universal Clips"  (kinda' like short, fat, plastic clothespins)
(1) bungee cord
(1) ancient,congealed nail polish
(2) billiard balls # 13 & #2
(1) screwdriver...Good grief!  There has been a screwdriver in every single box I've looked at for weeks.  When this is done, I'll have set the world record for most screwdrivers found hiding in unlikely places!
(1) pad of Mad Libs (not filled in).  Gonna' harass my children and Facebook friends this week.
(1) this one is a visual.  I painted it in the 7th grade.  Words fail me...

So, I find a lot of stuff that just needs to go (old instructions and nail polish, anyone?)  But I also find a lot of useful things.  They just aren't useful in the places I've stashed them.  I'm not going to do Mad Libs in the bathroom, from the bottom of some box.  As I finally, actually throw things away, perhaps I'll have space for more efficient organization.  What?  A girl can dream, can't she?


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