The Blog Before The Blog
I've decided to take on a new project for 2014. I love to start new projects. Sometimes, I lack follow through though so I've decided to blog about it. As a writer, that seems to be an effective way to keep myself accountable.
I am a terrible housekeeper. I have a sign that says "My House Was Clean Last Week...Sorry You Missed It." It's an awesome sign but it isn't precisely true. You might have to go back several weeks or more to find my house truly neat and clean. I struggle with clutter among other things. Having lived in our house for going on fifteen years, we definitely have a lot of clutter. Although, I can safely say, that despite my domestic shortcomings, no one has ever said "I'm outta' here. Your house is just too messy to hang out at!"
Still, my goal is to tackle one bin/one box/one shelf/one drawer at a time. I thought I might do one a day but frankly that rate already has me discouraged. I don't want to give up before I even begin! So it's more realistic that I will tackle one spot a week (more or less). Even so, if I manage that, there will be 52 places in my house which will be noticeably less cluttered next year at this time. (There is still that whole empty space/nature abhors a vacuum issue to deal with.)
My secondary goal is to amuse you dear reader and possibly make you feel better about your own neatness/clutter/mess/hoarding issues. (If you don't have any of those issues, you may not be amused at all and might want to stop reading.)
I'll describe the contents of the drawer/shelf/bin/box I'm working on. You'll wonder "Why in the heck did she keep that?" I'll tell you what I threw out and what I kept. I'll be productive (and accountable). You'll laugh (I hope). Everyone wins.
One caveat - I do not hope to morph into a Martha Stewart clone (feel free to give me a boot to the head if I do). My house will never be on the cover of house beautiful and I'm okay with that. I do not possess the lunch meat folding gene. This is the genetic configuration that lets you care a lot about how things look. I don't have it. I'm not going to develop it. I don't want it. I care very much about how people feel and what their thoughts are (because apparently I was blessed with the compassionate/hippie/yoga teacher gene!) But how things look...meh. I fail to understand garnish, fancy gift wrap or matching towels.
This is more of a yogic wisdom type of journey. In order to bring good things into your life, you need to let go of things which are no longer serving you. Getting rid of actual stuff can lead to jettisoning bad attitudes and emotional baggage as well.
I hope you'll join me by reading, commenting and being amused. Expect the first post on New Year's Day or thereabout.
I am a terrible housekeeper. I have a sign that says "My House Was Clean Last Week...Sorry You Missed It." It's an awesome sign but it isn't precisely true. You might have to go back several weeks or more to find my house truly neat and clean. I struggle with clutter among other things. Having lived in our house for going on fifteen years, we definitely have a lot of clutter. Although, I can safely say, that despite my domestic shortcomings, no one has ever said "I'm outta' here. Your house is just too messy to hang out at!"
Still, my goal is to tackle one bin/one box/one shelf/one drawer at a time. I thought I might do one a day but frankly that rate already has me discouraged. I don't want to give up before I even begin! So it's more realistic that I will tackle one spot a week (more or less). Even so, if I manage that, there will be 52 places in my house which will be noticeably less cluttered next year at this time. (There is still that whole empty space/nature abhors a vacuum issue to deal with.)
My secondary goal is to amuse you dear reader and possibly make you feel better about your own neatness/clutter/mess/hoarding issues. (If you don't have any of those issues, you may not be amused at all and might want to stop reading.)
I'll describe the contents of the drawer/shelf/bin/box I'm working on. You'll wonder "Why in the heck did she keep that?" I'll tell you what I threw out and what I kept. I'll be productive (and accountable). You'll laugh (I hope). Everyone wins.
One caveat - I do not hope to morph into a Martha Stewart clone (feel free to give me a boot to the head if I do). My house will never be on the cover of house beautiful and I'm okay with that. I do not possess the lunch meat folding gene. This is the genetic configuration that lets you care a lot about how things look. I don't have it. I'm not going to develop it. I don't want it. I care very much about how people feel and what their thoughts are (because apparently I was blessed with the compassionate/hippie/yoga teacher gene!) But how things look...meh. I fail to understand garnish, fancy gift wrap or matching towels.
This is more of a yogic wisdom type of journey. In order to bring good things into your life, you need to let go of things which are no longer serving you. Getting rid of actual stuff can lead to jettisoning bad attitudes and emotional baggage as well.
I hope you'll join me by reading, commenting and being amused. Expect the first post on New Year's Day or thereabout.
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